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Does Memorial Hospital of Texas County provide PCR or rapid testing for COVID-19?

Memorial Hospital does not provide rapid testing in the hospital on an outpatient basis. Memorial Hospital only provides PCR or rapid testing as an inpatient, surgical, or emergency room patient, upon receiving an order from your attending physician. In addition, asymptomatic patients will not be tested in the emergency room.

Testing, for PCR is available at the Texas County Health Department.

Rapid testing is available from most major and local pharmacies. Check your local pharmacy's website to learn more about availability in your area.

I was recently tested for COVID-19. How do I find out about my results?

Depending upon where you were tested, results may take between 2 and 7 days, sometimes longer. You will be contacted as soon as your results are received from the lab performing the analysis.

If your PCR testing was performed at Memorial Hospital, your lab results will be communicated directly to your ordering physician, who will contact you with those results. Typically, within 24-hours of the test.

I have an appointment or services scheduled at Memorial Hospital or with a Memorial Hospital Provider. Should I cancel it?

No. You should come to your appointment as scheduled, unless you are exhibiting any signs of cold or flu-like symptoms, in which case you should call your provider's office for further instructions.

What should I do if I have symptoms of COVID-19 and I have an upcoming appointment at Memorial Hospital or with a Memorial Hospital Provider?

If you are exhibiting any signs of cold- or flu-like symptoms, including the ones below, you should reschedule your appointment for the health and safety of those around you. If you feel like you need to keep your appointment, please call in advance to discuss with your doctor's office.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

· Cough (dry)

· Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing

· Fever of 100 degree F or greater

· Chills

· Repeated shaking (rigors) with chills

· Muscle pain

· Headache

· Sore Throat

· New loss of taste or smell

· Diarrhea

· Nausea/vomiting

· Fatigue

· Congestion/runny nose

My children usually come with me to appointments. Can I bring them?

We strongly advise that children not visit the hospital or our outpatient facilities at this time. Please visit the hospital's website for COVID-19 Updates and Visitations Guidelines information.

How long will changes in the visiting policy be in effect?

Because this is a rapidly changing situation, we cannot predict how long these Visitation Guidelines will remain in place. We will maintain them as long as necessary to protect our patients, visitors and caregivers.

If I think I have COVID-19 what should I do?

If you have symptoms or you have been exposed to the virus through direct contact with someone who has tested positive, you should contact your health care provider to determine whether you should be screened and how best to isolate yourself from others and for how long.

If your health care provider or the health department determines that you need to be screened, testing, both PCR and rapid testing, is available at the Texas County Health Department and most local and major pharmacies. Check your local pharmacy's website to learn more about availability in your area.
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